Guidelines - TM

Guidelines - TM's thumbnail

Sheeno Mirin / StudioGnu Terms of Use for Songs (courtesy of Form-TM)

This work is provided for the purpose of creating derivative works.
When publishing derivative works of this content, please also check the terms of the original provider.
If you do not agree to these terms of use, you are not allowed to publish derivative works.

1. License Grant

  • Regardless of whether it's for personal or corporate use, any form of derivative work is permitted as long as "2. Conditions of Use" are fully met and "3. Prohibited Actions" are not violated. In this case, no contact is necessary.

2. Conditions of Use

  • You must include credit.
  • You must include the URL of the original video (for Niconico, link to the original Niconico; for YouTube, link to the original YouTube video).

3. Prohibited Actions

  • Use that could be mistaken for official.
  • Use that blatantly disrupts the world view of the work.
  • Use that violates public order and morals.
  • Anti-social use.

4. Other

  • Notwithstanding the content of these terms, Sheeno Mirin and the production team have the right to prevent the publication of works derived from their own works in order to protect their moral rights (honor, reputation, right to be identified as the author, right to protect the integrity of the work, etc.).
  • These terms are subject to change without notice. Any changes will be effective from the time of change and will not be retroactive.
  • These terms are effective as of the last revised date.
  • Acts related to use shall be governed by the laws of Japan.